记录编号 275586 评测结果 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
题目名称 逻辑岛 最终得分 100
用户昵称 Gravatarfmj 是否通过 通过
代码语言 C++ 运行时间 0.004 s
提交时间 2016-07-02 16:56:04 内存使用 0.31 MiB
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
const int maxn = 50 + 10;
class kanato{//Kanato-chan――.//
		int sp, re, st;//speaker, reference, status.
		bool fa;//false(is not ...).
bool night = false;
int sta[maxn], is[maxn], n;
inline int f(bool flag){//false==1貌似会不被判断为真...orz Update: 废话. 懒得重打就这么凑合着看吧. 
	if(flag)return 1;
	return 0;
inline bool check(){
	bool flag = false;//这句话是否成立.
	for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){//逐个检验每句话关于时间与身份的信息.
			if(sen[i].st==f(night))flag = true;
			else flag = false;
		else if(sen[i].st<3){//关于身份.
			if(sen[i].st==sta[sen[i].re])flag = true;
			else flag = false;
		else if((sta[sen[i].re]==1)||(sta[sen[i].re]==2)&&night)flag = true;//魔鬼或者是晚上的人. 
		else flag = false;
		if(sen[i].fa)flag = !flag;//"Is not ...".
		if((sta[sen[i].sp])==1||(sta[sen[i].sp]==2&&night))flag = !flag;
			return false; //那就无解咯. 
	return true;//找到了一个可行解. 
inline bool impos(bool a){
	for(int i=1;i<=5;i++)if(!is[i])return true;
	if(!a)return true;
	return false;

#define is_cha(x) ((x <= 'z' and x >= 'a') or (x <= 'Z' and x >= 'A'))
#define is_sym(x) ( x == '.' or x == ':' or x == ' ')
#define is_ch(x) (is_sym(x) or is_cha(x))

string get_line() {
	char tmp = getchar();
	string ans;
	while(!is_ch(tmp)) tmp = getchar();
	while( is_ch(tmp)) {
		ans = ans + tmp;
		tmp = getchar();
	return ans;

int main(){
	freopen("logicisland.in", "r", stdin);
	freopen("logicisland.out", "w", stdout);
	int kase = 0;
	//while(cin>>n){getchar();if(n==0)break;kase++;cout<<"Conversation #"<<kase<<endl;
	memset(is, 0, sizeof(is));
	memset(sta, 0, sizeof(sta));
	memset(sen, 0, sizeof(sen));
	night = false;
	cin>>n;//getchar();//Read char '/n'.
	for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){
		string str;
		str = get_line();
		int name = str[0] - 'A' + 1, ref = -1;//Speaker, Mentioned. 
		str = str.substr(3, str.length());
		if(str[0]=='I'&&str[2]=='a'){//I am.
			ref = name;
			str = str.substr(5, str.length());//go over.			
		else if(str[2]=='i'&&str[3]=='s'){//X is.
			ref = str[0] - 'A' + 1;
			str = str.substr(5, str.length());//go over.
		else {//It is night/day.
			ref = -1;//算了用中文注释吧, 没有人被提到的情况ref设为-1. 
			str = str.substr(6, str.length());//继续往后面找相关信息. 
		sen[i].sp = name;sen[i].re = ref;
		if(str[0]=='n'&&str[1]=='o'){sen[i].fa = true;str = str.substr(4, str.length());}//Is not.
		else sen[i].fa = false;
		string tmp = "121213413";tmp = tmp.substr(1, tmp.length());
		if(str.compare("divine.")==0)sen[i].st = 0;
		else if(str.compare("evil.")==0)sen[i].st = 1;
		else if(str.compare("human.")==0)sen[i].st = 2;
		else if(str.compare("lying.")==0)sen[i].st = 3;
		else if(str.compare("day.")==0)sen[i].st = 0;
		else if(str.compare("night.")==0)sen[i].st = 1;
		else cout<<"Orz Cstdio"<<endl;//哎嘿. 
	//枚举, 搞大新闻. 
	int tnight = 0, kount = 0;
	for(night=false;kount<=1;night=!night, kount++)
								for(int j=1;j<=5;j++)is[j] |= (1<<sta[j]);//拆二进制存储状态. 1, 2, 4.
								tnight = tnight | (1<<f(night));
	if(impos(tnight)){cout<<"This is impossible."<<endl<<endl;return 0;}//continue;}
	bool flag = false;//有没有找到的推论.
	for(int j=1;j<=5;j++){//先输出身份信息.
		string out;//cout<<is[j]<<endl;
		if(is[j]==(1<<0))out = "divine.";
		else if(is[j]==(1<<1))out = "evil.";
		else if(is[j]==(1<<2))out = "human.";
		else continue;
		flag = true;
		printf("%c is ", (char)(j+'A'-1));cout<<out<<endl;
	if(tnight==(1<<0)){flag = true;cout<<"It is day."<<endl;}
	if(tnight==(1<<1)){flag = true;cout<<"It is night."<<endl;}
	if(flag==false)cout<<"No facts are deducible."<<endl;
	return 0;