记录编号 | 453414 | 评测结果 | AAAAAAAAAA | ||
题目名称 | [HAOI 2012]高速公路 | 最终得分 | 100 | ||
用户昵称 | 是否通过 | 通过 | |||
代码语言 | C++ | 运行时间 | 1.044 s | ||
提交时间 | 2017-09-21 15:49:34 | 内存使用 | 2.76 MiB | ||
#include <iostream> #include <cstring> #include <cstdio> using namespace std; inline int read(){ int sum(0),f(1); char ch(getchar()); for(;ch<'0'||ch>'9';ch=getchar()) if(ch=='-') f=-1; for(;ch>='0'&&ch<='9';sum=sum*10+(ch^48),ch=getchar()); return sum*f; } typedef long long L; L xl[3][100005]; struct data{ L len; L s0,s1,s2; data():len(0),s0(0),s1(0),s2(0){} inline void add(L w){ // cout<<"add it in key"<<endl; // cout<<"now we find the problem"<<len<<endl; s0+=xl[0][len]*w; s1+=xl[1][len]*w; s2+=xl[2][len]*w; // cout<<"add key over"<<endl; } data operator+(const data &x){ data ret; // cout<<"now we are in the operator "<<len<<' '<<x.len<<endl; ret.len=len+x.len; ret.s0=s0+x.s0; ret.s1=s1+x.s1+len*x.s0; ret.s2=s2+x.s2+((len*x.s1)<<1)+len*len*x.s0; // cout<<"s0="<<s0<<" x.s0="<<x.s0<<endl; // cout<<"s1="<<s1<<" x.s1="<<x.s1<<" len*x.s0="<<len*x.s0<<endl; // cout<<"s2="<<s2<<" x.s2="<<x.s2<<" len*x.s1<<1="<<((len*x.s1)<<1)<<" len*len*x.s0="<<len*len*x.s0<<endl; // cout<<"now we operate it over "<<ret.len<<' '<<ret.s0<<" "<<ret.s1<<' '<<ret.s2<<endl; return ret; } }; struct node{ int l,r; L lazy; node *lch,*rch; data key; node():lazy(0),lch(NULL),rch(NULL){ key.len=0,key.s0=0,key.s1=0,key.s2=0; } inline void add(L w){ // cout<<"now we add it"<<endl; key.add(w); lazy+=w; // cout<<"now we are back"<<endl; } inline void pushdown(){ // cout<<"now we pushdown it"<<endl; if(lazy){ if(lch!=NULL) lch->add(lazy); if(rch!=NULL) rch->add(lazy); lazy=0; } } inline void pushup(){ if(lch!=NULL) key=lch->key+rch->key; } inline void update(const int &l,const int &r,const L &w){ // cout<<l<<" "<<r<<' '<<this->l<<' '<<this->r<<endl; if(l<=this->l&&this->r<=r){ // cout<<"add it?"<<endl; this->add(w); // cout<<"can we return?"<<endl; return; } this->pushdown(); // cout<<"non add yet"<<endl; int mid((this->l+this->r)>>1); if(l<=mid) lch->update(l,r,w); if(mid<r) rch->update(l,r,w); this->pushup(); } data query(const int &l,const int &r){ // cout<<"now we have a query from"<<l<<"to"<<r<<endl; // cout<<"check its key"<<key.s0<<" "<<key.s1<<' '<<key.s2<<endl; if(l<=this->l&&this->r<=r) return this->key; this->pushdown(); int mid((this->l+this->r)>>1); if(r<=mid) return lch->query(l,r); if(mid<l) return rch->query(l,r); return lch->query(l,r)+rch->query(l,r); } }; int n,m; inline void play_table(){ // cout<<"play it"<<endl; for(L i=1;i<=n;++i){ xl[0][i]=xl[0][i-1]+1; xl[1][i]=xl[1][i-1]+i; xl[2][i]=xl[2][i-1]+i*i; // cout<<"now we check the array "<<i<<" "<<xl[0][i]<<' '<<xl[1][i]<<' '<<xl[2][i]<<endl; } } inline node* build(int l,int r){ // cout<<"build "<<l<<' '<<r<<endl; node *ret=new node(); ret->l=l,ret->r=r,ret->key.len=r-l+1; // cout<<"build it for len"<<ret->key.len<<endl; if(l==r) return ret; int mid((l+r)>>1); ret->lch=build(l,mid); ret->rch=build(mid+1,r); ret->pushup(); return ret; } char op[2]; inline L GCD(L x,L y){ return x%y?GCD(y,x%y):y; } inline void ask(data tmp){ // cout<<"now we have a ask"<<endl; // cout<<tmp.s0<<' '<<tmp.s1<<' '<<tmp.s2<<endl; L tp1((tmp.len+1)*tmp.s1-tmp.s2),tp2((tmp.len+1)*tmp.len>>1); if(tp1==0){ printf("0/1\n",0,1); return; } L gcd(GCD(tp1,tp2)); tp1/=gcd,tp2/=gcd; if(tp2<0) tp1=-tp1,tp2=-tp2; printf("%lld/%lld\n",tp1,tp2); } inline int gg(){ freopen("roadxw.in","r",stdin); freopen("roadxw.out","w",stdout); n=read(),m=read(); play_table(); node *root=build(1,n-1); // cout<<"build over"<<endl; // if(root->lch==NULL) // cout<<"build error"<<endl; // cout<<"check what we build"<<endl; // for(int i=1;i<n;++i) // cout<<"check "<<i<<' '<<(root->query(i,i).s0)<<' '<<(root->query(i,i).s1)<<' '<<(root->query(i,i).s2)<<endl; while(m--){ scanf("%s",op); if(op[0]=='C'){ int x(read()),y(read()),z(read()); root->update(x,y-1,z); // cout<<"update over now we check the whole tree"<<endl; // for(int i=1;i<n;++i) // cout<<"check now"<<i<<' '<<(root->query(i,i).s0)<<endl; // cout<<"check over"; } else{ int x(read()),y(read()); ask(root->query(x,y-1)); } } return 0; } int K(gg()); int main(){;}