记录编号 |
160094 |
评测结果 |
题目名称 |
[ZJOI 2015] 幻想乡战略游戏 |
最终得分 |
100 |
用户昵称 |
Asm.Def |
是否通过 |
通过 |
代码语言 |
C++ |
运行时间 |
53.954 s |
提交时间 |
2015-04-23 20:28:41 |
内存使用 |
36.40 MiB |
/**********************By Asm.Def-Wu Jiaxin*****************************/
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
#include <cctype>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
#define SetFile(x) ( freopen(#x".in", "r", stdin), freopen(#x".out", "w", stdout) );
#define UseFREAD
#ifdef UseFREAD
#define getc() *(file_ptr++)
#define FreadLenth 5000000
char CHARPOOL[FreadLenth], *file_ptr = CHARPOOL;
#define getc() getchar()
#ifdef DEBUG
#include <sys/timeb.h>
timeb SysTp;
template<class T>inline void getd(T &x){
char ch = getc();bool neg = false;
while(!isdigit(ch) && ch != '-')ch = getc();
if(ch == '-')ch = getc(), neg = true;
x = ch - '0';
while(isdigit(ch = getc()))x = x * 10 - '0' + ch;
if(neg)x = -x;
const int maxn = 100005;
typedef long long LL;
int N, Q, lg2[maxn << 1], dfs_iter;
struct Node{
Node *adj[22], *p, *Brid;
int w[22], adj_d, dep, dis, id;//用于距离查询
int size;//临时变量
LL Val, Sum, Cont, Ans;//树分治
int AnsTag;
bool tag;
inline void Link(Node *t, int v){
w[adj_d] = v;
adj[adj_d++] = t;
void dfs();void dfs2();
Node *dp(int, int &);
LL Query();
inline void GetAns();
}T[maxn], *ST[18][maxn<<1], *Root;
void Node::dfs(){
(*ST)[id = dfs_iter++] = this;
int i;Node *to;
for(i = 0;i < adj_d;++i)if((to = adj[i]) != p){
to->p = this, to->dep = dep + 1, to->dis = dis + w[i];
(*ST)[dfs_iter++] = this;
inline Node * Cmp(Node *a, Node *b){return a->dep > b->dep ? b : a;}
inline void Build_ST(){
int i = 2, j = 1, t = 4;
while(i <= dfs_iter){
if(i == t)++j, t <<= 1;
lg2[i++] = j;
for(i = 1, t = 2;t <= dfs_iter;++i, t <<= 1)for(j = 0;j + t <= dfs_iter;++j)
ST[i][j] = Cmp(ST[i-1][j], ST[i-1][j+(t >> 1)]);
inline int dist(Node *a, Node *b){
int u = a->id, v = b->id;if(v < u)swap(u, v);
int len = v - u + 1, lg = lg2[len];
return a->dis + b->dis - (Cmp(ST[lg][u], ST[lg][v+1-(1 << lg)])->dis << 1);
void Node::dfs2(){
size = 1;
int i;Node *to;
for(i = 0;i < adj_d;++i)if(!(to = adj[i])->tag && to != p){
to->p = this;
size += to->size;
Node * Node::dp(int psize, int &Maxsize){
Node *ans = this, *to, *t;Maxsize = psize;
int mx, i;
for(i = 0;i < adj_d;++i)if((!(to = adj[i])->tag) && to != p)
Maxsize = max(Maxsize, to->size);
psize += size;
for(i = 0;i < adj_d;++i)if((!(to = adj[i])->tag) && to != p){
t = to->dp(psize - to->size, mx);
if(mx < Maxsize)ans = t, Maxsize = mx;
return ans;
Node *Build_DC(Node *t){
int s;t->p = NULL;
Node *root = t->dp(0, s), *to;
root->tag = true;root->Brid = t;
for(int i = 0;i < root->adj_d;++i){
if((to = root->adj[i])->tag)swap(root->adj[i--], root->adj[--root->adj_d]);
root->adj[i] = Build_DC(to);
root->adj[i]->p = root;
return root;
inline void Modify(Node *v, int d){
v->Sum += d;
Node *t = v;
LL cont;
while(t != Root){
LL &s_cont = t->Cont;
t = t->p;
t->Sum += d;
cont = (LL)dist(v, t) * d;
t->Val += cont;s_cont += cont;
inline void Node::GetAns(){
if(AnsTag == Q)return;
Ans = Val;
Node *t = p;
LL sum_d = Sum, cont = Cont, diff, dsum;
diff = t->Val - cont;dsum = t->Sum - sum_d;
if(dsum)Ans += diff + dsum * dist(t, this);
sum_d = t->Sum, cont = t->Cont;
t = t->p;
AnsTag = Q;
LL Node::Query(){
int i;Node *to;
for(i = 0;i < adj_d;++i){
(to = adj[i])->Brid->GetAns();
if(to->Brid->Ans < Ans)return to->Query();
return Ans;
inline void init(){
int i, a, b, c;
for(i = 1;i < N;++i){
getd(a), getd(b), getd(c);
T[a].Link(T + b, c);
T[b].Link(T + a, c);
(Root = Build_DC(T + 1))->p = 0x0;
int main(){
#ifdef DEBUG
freopen("test.txt", "r", stdin);ftime(&SysTp);
size_t Begin_sec = SysTp.time, Begin_mill = SysTp.millitm;
#elif !defined ONLINE_JUDGE
#ifdef UseFREAD
fread(file_ptr, 1, FreadLenth, stdin);
int u, e;
getd(N), getd(Q);
getd(u), getd(e);
Modify(T + u, e);
printf("%lld\n", Root->Query());
#ifdef DEBUG
printf("\n%.3lf sec \n", (SysTp.time - Begin_sec) + (SysTp.millitm - Begin_mill) / 1000.0);
return 0;