记录编号 | 120 | 评测结果 | AAATT | ||
题目名称 | 公路建设 | 最终得分 | 30 | ||
用户昵称 | 是否通过 | 未通过 | |||
代码语言 | Pascal | 运行时间 | 10.000 s | ||
提交时间 | 2008-04-23 22:23:50 | 内存使用 | 0.01 MiB | ||
//na :cuixiaofei; //da :08_04_23; program road; const city =550{550}; type sss =record x,y :longint; s :real; end; var n,m,ge,bian,x,y :longint; he,s :real; ji :array[1..city,1..city] of real; pc :array[1..city] of longint; f1,f2 :text; procedure quhuan(k:longint); var max :real; jiji :array[1..city,1..city] of longint; zg :longint; jin :array[1..city] of longint; panpan :longint; procedure sousuo(kkk:longint); var i :longint; panduan :longint; begin if panpan=1 then exit; if kkk=y then begin inc(zg); jin[zg]:=x; max:=0; for i:=1 to zg-1 do if ji[jin[i],jin[i+1]]>max then begin max:=ji[jin[i],jin[i+1]]; panduan:=i; end; ji[jin[panduan],jin[panduan+1]]:=0; ji[jin[panduan+1],jin[panduan]]:=0; dec(bian); he:=he-max; panpan:=1; exit; end else begin for i:=1 to n do if (ji[kkk,i]>0) and (jiji[kkk,i]=0) and (((kkk<>x) or (i<>y)) and ((kkk<>y) or (i<>x))) then begin if panpan=1 then exit; jiji[kkk,i]:=1; jiji[i,kkk]:=1; inc(zg); jin[zg]:=i; sousuo(i); dec(zg); jiji[kkk,i]:=0; jiji[i,kkk]:=0; end; end; end; begin fillchar(jiji,sizeof(jiji),0); panpan:=0; zg:=1; jin[zg]:=x; sousuo(x); end; procedure jinru(k:longint); begin if (ge=n) and (bian=n-2) and (ji[x,y]=0) then begin inc(bian); he:=he+s; ji[x,y]:=s; ji[y,x]:=s; inc(pc[x]); inc(pc[y]); writeln(f2,he/2:0:1); exit; end; if (pc[x]=0) and (pc[y]=0) then begin writeln(f2,0); he:=he+s; ji[x,y]:=s; ji[y,x]:=s; inc(ge,2); inc(bian); inc(pc[x]); inc(pc[y]); exit; end else if (pc[x]>0) and (pc[y]>0) then begin he:=he+s; if ji[x,y]>0 then begin if ji[x,y]<s then begin he:=he-s; end else begin he:=he-ji[x,y]; ji[x,y]:=s; ji[y,x]:=s; end; end else begin ji[x,y]:=s; ji[y,x]:=s; inc(bian); quhuan(k); end; if bian=n-1 then writeln(f2,he/2:0:1) else writeln(f2,0); end else begin inc(pc[x]); inc(pc[y]); ji[x,y]:=s; ji[y,x]:=s; he:=he+s; inc(ge); inc(bian); if bian=n-1 then writeln(f2,he/2:0:1) else writeln(f2,0); end; end; procedure init; var i :longint; begin fillchar(ji,sizeof(ji),0); bian:=0; assign(f1,'road.in'); reset(f1); assign(f2,'road.out'); rewrite(f2); ge:=0; he:=0; readln(f1,n,m); for i:=1 to m do begin x:=0; y:=0; s:=0; readln(f1,x,y,s); jinru(i); end; close(f2); close(f1); end; begin init; end.