用户编号 3487
用户名称 melody


用户昵称 coastline>>
E-mail xqyh1278@163.com
阅读权限 0
所属分组 注册会员
等级积分 374
注册时间 2015-02-27 08:16:41
个人介绍 Elevator buttons and morning air
Stranger silence makes me wanna take the stairs
If you were here we'd laugh about their vacant stares 
But right now my time is theirs

Seems like there's always someone who disapproves
They'll judge it like they know about me and you
And the verdict comes from those with nothing else to do
The jury's out, my choice is you

So don't you worry your pretty little mind
People throw rocks at things that shine
And life makes love look hard
The stakes are high, the water's rough
But this love is ours

You never know what people have up their sleeves
Ghosts from your past gonna jump out at me
Lurking in the shadows with their lipgloss smiles
But I don't care
Cause right now you're mine
And you'll say

Don't you worry your pretty little mind
People throw rocks at things that shine
And life makes love look hard
The stakes are high, the water's rough
But this love is ours

And it's not theirs to speculate if it's wrong
And your hands are tough but they are where mine belong in
I'll fight their doubts and give you faith with this song for you

Cause I love the gap between your teeth
And I love the riddles that you speak
And any snide remarks from my father about your new tattoos will be ignored
Cause my heart is yours

So don't you worry your pretty little mind 
People throw rocks at things that shine
And life makes love look hard

So don't you worry your pretty little mind
People throw rocks at things that shine
But they can’t take what’s ours
They can’t take what’s ours

The stakes are high, the water's rough
But this love is ours
比赛名 参加时间 得分
20130923 2015-10-12 170
+ 加法问题 + 服务点设置 + 双服务点设置 + P服务点设置
+ 潜水员的问题 + 回文数 + 单词接龙 + 多人背包
+ 采药 + 合并果子 + 均分纸牌 + 棋盘分割
+ 神经网络 + 传染病控制 + 金明的预算方案 + 奶牛的选举
+ 挖水井 + 笨小猴 + 传纸条 + 促销活动
+ 亲戚 + 银河英雄传说 + 免费馅饼 + 单词查找树
+ 食物链 + 香甜的黄油 + 字符串的距离 + 筷子
+ 最优贸易 + HH的项链 + 王伯买鱼 + 烦人的幻灯片
+ 最优布线问题 + 滑动窗口 + 奶牛派对 + 打砖块
+ 01进制数 + 关押罪犯 + 母亲的牛奶 + 翻硬币
+ 燃烧 + 线性递推式 + 等差数列 + 黑色星期五
+ 回文平方数 + 修理牛棚 + 奶牛们的货币系统 + 牛的旅行
+ 混合牛奶 + 数字金字塔 + 越狱 + 修剪草坪
+ 你的飞碟在这儿 + 最短网络 + 爆炸化合物 + 公路乘车
+ 随机数生成器 + 陶陶摘苹果 + 最小花费 + 数字游戏
+ 数字统计 + 数字积木 + 不高兴的津津 + 软件开发
+ 装箱问题 + 新年趣事之打牌 + 最短路 + 最长路
+ 无穷的序列 + 数列求值 + 机器分配 + 编辑距离
+ 苹果摘陶陶 + 重建道路 + 最大和 + Google Book
+ 欧几里德的游戏 + Geodetic 集合 + 还是“金明的预算方案” + 同余方程
+ 借教室 + BPlusA + 鬼谷子的钱袋 + 马步距离
+ 数列操作B + 数列操作C + 聚会 + 耐磨的登山包
+ 奶牛的锁 + 积木大赛 P 车站分级 + 虫洞
+ 棋盘上的車 + 移动电话 + 木块问题 + 乌力波
+ 采花 + 小球下落 + 机器人搬运 + NASA的食物计划
+ 动物园 + Cool + 奇偶性游戏 + 二分图游戏
+ 忠诚 + 飞扬的小鸟 + 最大数 + 物质起源
+ 二叉苹果树 + 欧拉路与欧拉回路


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